Monday, July 22, 2019

7.22.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: mop
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: 'Murica

I leave Michigan for a week and all hell breaks loose.

Last week, our de facto president made a disgustingly racist tweet about the women of color in Congress and told them to go home. Now, they've banded together to combat Drumpf and his bullshit.

By now, we're familiar with The Squad: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar. Four smart women of color who all care about human rights as opposed to our idiot president who cares more about turning America into a rogue nation, which it already is.

Meanwhile, last night, I was watching NBC Nightly News do a report on Drumpf fucking over a city in Wisconsin, Mt. Pleasant by promising the city that Foxconn would be building a factory there. Hell, people sold their houses to make way for the plant. Several years later, the plant's not built and people are pissed.

In other words, Drumpf's business sense reminds me of a certain radio station owner in northern Michigan who left Traverse City with a giant hole in the ground. He ended up having to sell it for way less than what he wanted and he had to lease out his stations to pay off his tax debt. And yes, I'll let you guess who that prick is....

You know, Hillary had a chance to reach out to her voters in the Midwest in 2016, but ignored them. This is why she lost. Hell, Drumpf even came to northern Michigan. This past week while on vacation, I was watching (ugh) Fox and Friends and their guest admitted that if Joe Biden gets the Democratic nomination, Drumpf will get a second term in office.

And that guest - and it's probably the first time I ever agreed with him on anything, ever - was Rush Limbaugh.

Look, it's time for the Dems to wake up and realize that being too far in the middle won't help. All it does is alienate REAL progressives and cause them to be alienated. Look at the governor of Puerto Rico; he's a moderate and has proven to be an asshole. This is why I love The Squad: four fearless women going after a creep whose base is all made up of losers who think that anybody with color is a total loser.

Maybe it's time to send him back.... to the Trump Tower.


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