Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7.31.19 Bee-otches of the Day: virtually everybody running for president that's not Bernie Sanders

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Names: pretty much every Democrat other than Bernie Sanders
Ages: various
Occupations: running for president
Last Seen: various
Bee-otched For: not having the right ideas

Last night was a showdown for the ages at Detroit's Fox Theater.

Bernie Sanders and a bunch of other folks had their second debate of the year, hosted by CNN. My favorite moment was when Tim Ryan got (ahem) Berned when Sanders told him that he wrote the damn bill to bring Medicare for all.

It's just too bad they couldn't do it like the Republican debates from a few years ago where the most-popular candidates had their debates while the Junior Varsity had theirs. But then again, if the Dems did it the same way the Repukes did it in 2016, Bernie would be debating himself and the other candidates would be the JVs.

I can't fucking believe that some of the Dems' solutions for healthcare. They say shit like "buyout plan", "free healthcare for those 50 and over" and so on. Here's a novel thought: HEALTHCARE FOR ALL!! Works for people in Canada, England, Japan and other countries. IT SHOULD BE A HUMAN RIGHT. PERIOD. To me, a Dem who lollygags around the healthcare issue is a sellout to their donors.

What's sad is how the media is pissing about Bernie's performance last night. I'll betcha that tomorrow, they'll give Joe Biden a free pass because that's who they WANT to go up against Drumpf next year. If that becomes a reality, I sure as hell will be voting for the Green Party in 2020. Don't tell me "vote blue no matter who", either.

It's time for change. It's time for free healthcare for all, a $15 minimum wage and free college. Enough with the fake MOR solutions that only please the wealthy and not enough people.

Do the Dems need another kick in the ass like they got in 2016?


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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