Wednesday, September 18, 2019

9.18.19 Bee-otch of the Day: the oil industry

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: the oil industry
Age: ageless
Occupation: sucking oil out of the ground
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: making it so we can't have nice things

Sometimes, I wonder why I listen to Spotify for free when I'm paying for SiriusXM.

Maybe it's because sometimes, I like variety. I love the fact that on Spotify, you can create personalized stations that play your favorite songs and your favorite songs only. Maybe it's because sometimes, SiriusXM goes overboard playing the same shit over and over. After all, there's a Facebook group devoted to listeners of 1st Wave and people often complain about them overplaying Concrete Blonde's "Joey".

But sadly, sometimes, you get what you pay for.

Driving home yesterday, I had Spotify on and they cut to commercials. The first ad ROYALLY pissed me off. It was an ad promoting the construction of a new Line 5. Now, for those out of touch with Michigan, Line 5 is a pipeline used to transport oil to Canada that's underneath the Straits of Mackinac. The current Line 5 was only designed to last 30 years, and now, it's over 60 years old and falling apart. Its owner, Enbridge was also notorious for an oil spill in in the Kalamazoo River many years ago.

With the news of the attack on Saudi oil supplies last weekend, causing oil prices to skyrocket, this question is long overdue: WHEN IN THE FUCKING HELL ARE WE GOING TO START BUYING VEHICLES THAT DON'T USE OIL OR GAS?

I know. Vehicles are more fuel efficient than ever. There's SUVs that get better gas mileage than the car I have now. But the point is, is that we can get the same quality electricity from wind and the sun, which can power electric cars. It sucks that we have to fighting fucking wars over oil and those who have gas-powered vehicles have to pay the price when shit like this happens.

To make matters worse, we have an asshole president who just told California that they cannot set their own emissions standards. Great. Prepare for even more smog! When my mom lived in Arizona, she had to take her car in yearly for emissions testing. Here in Michigan, it's not required.

The point is, is that it's time for us to go into the 21st century. It's time we had a president who cared about our environment so we and our children's children can live nice, long lives without worrying. Climate Change IS REAL and we need to eliminate it once and for all.

I guess until then, it's just like watching an old Looney Tunes cartoon: is this trip really necessary?

Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

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