Wednesday, July 8, 2020

7.8.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 74
Occupation: tweeting on the shitter
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: a myriad of moronicy


*Sigh....* Where do I even begin?

Today, Drumpf went balls out against the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention because they're warning against reopening schools in the Fall. But guess what? In a tweet today, he bitched about schools reopening in foreign countries with little-to-no problems with schools and the coronavirus.

Many countries have done a yeoman's job getting rid of the virus. But America, under the lack of leadership from Drumpf, has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases. Just today, we had 52,000 new cases of the virus. We lead the world with 3.1 million cases of COVID. Current cases of the disease are now at 1.6 million with Brazil - whose president has also been diagnosed with the disease - in second place with 527,000 cases. India, Russia and South America round out the top five. 

My home state of Michigan - which had been doing a great job of fighting COVID - is back to losing the battle against the disease. Today, we had 651 new cases across the state.

And Drumpf wants kids to go back to school?

Meanwhile, after seeing several defeats from the Republican-led Supreme Court, Drumpf did get one victory today. The high court ruled that religious-based businesses are exempt from giving out free birth control as an Obamacare mandate. One of Drumpf's goals has long been to eliminate Obamacare and bring back the old system of allowing insurers to judge their customers on their pre-existing conditions. 

A few days ago, Drumpf had a hissy fit over NASCAR and racer Bubba Wallace's noose scare. On Twitter, he called it a hoax and claimed that because of Wallace using his race to raise awareness for black justice, NASCAR's ratings are down. Well, guess what? NBC announced that NASCAR's ratings were UP 41% from last year! It appears that people actually want NASCAR to evolve to include more people of color, because, hey, black people love cars, too!

And let's not forget niece Mary Trump's tell-all book against her uncle, "Too Much is Never Enough". In the book, Mary claims that her estranged uncle cheated not just on his wives, but on his SATs as well. Hey, he has the money! She also labeled him as narcissistic and a bully. Well, durh!

The more Drumpf opens his yapper or tweets from the shitter, the more we want a more-dignified person in the White House. At this point, ANYBODY would be a better choice than the tweeter-in-chief. Hell, even Kanye West would be a better presid-er, never mind.

Honestly, I hope that SOON, we'll get a vaccine for COVID-19 or at least something that will keep us safe. It sucks that the Kens and Karens, plus the 20-something morons who want to rave and throw coronavirus parties are ruining it for everybody. If we had a real leader in the White House, America would be on the right track to recovery instead of being in the same boat with third world nations.

One more thing: Drumpf needs to not wear a mask. He needs to have duct tape over his yapper at all times.


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