Thursday, May 2, 2019

5.2.19 Bee-otch of the Day: the state of Alabama

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Alabama
Age: 200
Occupation: US state
Last Seen: in the south
Bee-otched For: thinking that abortion is bad

Ya know, I really, really hate red states.

Since Drumpf took over the White House, Republicans have been busy spitting on women's rights. And one of those rights is abortion.

As I've mentioned yesterday, the governor of Ohio signed a bill banning abortion of a fetus that has a heartbeat. Since then, states have been busy trying to outdo the last one.

And now, it's Alabama's turn.

The state is considering a bill that could send people to prison for 99 years for performing abortions. It's already passed the state house and will soon end up in the state senate. The state's governor, Kay Ivey (Repuke) is pro-life and is expected to sign the bill.

Now that the Supreme Court is overwhelmingly Rethuglican, the Alabama abortion bill could cause Roe V. Wade to be overturned. Many on the right think that a fetus is human, though the idiot right thinks otherwise.

It's funny that these same assholes who are busy trying to protect the unborn could care less about them when they are born. Too many kids are born poor, without health insurance and because too many Repukes are pro-gun, these kids could end up being shot to death.

You know, I hope no Democrats in the Supreme Court die or retire until after 2020. This is the most fucked up our government's ever been and it's thanks to assholes like Drumpf who are all living a lie.

Alabama: and WHY did we allow them to be a state?


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