Wednesday, May 8, 2019

5.8.19 Bee-otch of the Day: televangelists

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: televangelists
Age: various
Occupation: assholes
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: shoving a poor TV reporter aside

Last Friday, we all learned about the gritty side of televangelists.

And that is the fact that they need to be taxed to the hilt.

As we've posted above, the TV series Inside Edition did an expose on two such assholes: Kenneth Copeland and his pal, Jesse Duplantis. The two fly in ultra-expensive jets and live in giant mansions all paid for by their ministries. When IE reporter Lisa Guerrero tried to talk to Duplantis about his lavish jet at a book signing, his security rudely put their hands on her and whisked her away.

And he's a "Christian"?

What's more sad is how in the report, IE posted a clip of Duplantis stating that if Jesus lived in modern times, he wouldn't be riding around in a donkey. OK, so has this prick ever heard of the story of Jesus and the young rich man and the camel going through the eye of the needle?

Well, Copeland was a little nicer to Guerrero, though he screamed and pointed his finger at her while crying that if he flew coach, he wouldn't be doing 65% of what he's doing now. Yeah, like ripping people off, like the woman who died of cancer because she gave Copeland her life savings instead of focusing on getting well. She was duped into giving Copeland her money because in a sermon, his plastic surgery-molded wife, Gloria told her audience that giving her and Kenneth money would cure cancer.

You know, these grifters have only done NOTHING but lie out of their asses to get what they want. I agree with the Trinity Foundation in the report that real people of God give back to their community and help those in need. The Kenneth Copelands, Jesse Duplantises, Pet Robertsons, Benny Hinns, John Hagees, Jim Bakkers and pretty much everybody on TBNs in this world live in luxury and it's sickening.

Folks, this is why IF I ever run for president, I would force all churches in America that make over a million dollars a year to be taxed 90% and that money would go to promote universal healthcare, paying off college debt and so on. Jesse Duplantis doesn't need crystal chandeliers. He needs to do the Lord's work and give to the poor and heal the sick.

No wonder why more and more people are becoming atheists. 


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