Thursday, September 13, 2018

9.13.18 Bee-otch of the Day: The Republican Party

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: The Republican Party
Age: 164 
Occupation: the biggest assholes alive
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: getting soaked


As of this writing, Hurricane Florence is getting ready to put the smackdown on the Carolinas.

And Drumpf is sitting there, playing his fiddle while Rome, aka Puerto Rico struggles.

The de facto president is claiming that the number of dead from Hurricane Maria last year is not 3,000. Originally, it was reported that only 64 people had died from the storm last year, but the stifling heat, lack of electricity, food and other factors caused the mass amount of casualties.

I guess Drumpf tossing out paper towels just wasn't enough, eh?

Right now, people in the Carolinas are heading far, far away from Flo. But since Puerto Rico is an island and many of their residents are poor, leaving just isn't an option for many. When Maria hit, many - like Drumpf - practically pretended that Puerto Rico wasn't even a part of the US, which is far from the truth. PR is a part of America as Quebec is a part of Canada. Yeah, PR is a providence and not really a state, but they deserve as much treatment from our country as the rest of America.

The sad thing about Florence is that Drumpf is not the only asshole in regards to the hurricane itself. Pat Robertson told his minions on The 700 Club the other day that he's all prepped for the hurricane and that God has his shield over his properties. Robertson does his show from Virginia Beach, Virginia, which is currently under a tropical storm warning. Now, this is the assclown who prayed that Florida would get hurricanes because of Gay Day at Disney World. He's also the same asshole who persuaded 700 people back in 1966 to donate $10 per month (or $79 today) to keep his struggling TV station in Virginia on the air. In the early 90s, he created a barely legal loophole to sell his broadcast empire to himself. In 1998, he sold it to Rupert Murdoch for $1.5 BILLION. And yet, he still begs his sheep for money daily.

Ya know, There's several hurricanes in the Atlantic right now, and it's troubling that it seems that each one seems to be more destructive or different than the last. The sad thing is that we're stuck with a fake president who is anti-environment and thinks that loosening the restrictions that have fucked up our ecosystem will improve things. Well, think of this: Washington, DC is sinking because of global warming and overall climate change. Good luck draining that swamp, dickhead.

And quit blessing the rains in Africa, Toto.



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