Monday, September 24, 2018

9.24.18 Bee-otch of the Day: Those dissing Michael Moore

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Ages: various
Occupations: various
Last Seen: various
Bee-otched For: calling "Fahrenheit 11/9" a bomb


This past weekend was a victory for the state of Michigan.

The Wolverines won, the Spartans won, hell, THE LIONS WON! THEY EVEN BEAT A SUPER BOWL TEAM! Even the Red Wings are showing some promise in the pre-season.

The Tigers, however...

Even at the box office, Michigan ruled with three movies (that I know of) in the top 10 and one at the top of the heap.

Sadly, that film wasn't "Fahrenheit 11/9". It was "The House With A Clock In Its Walls", a movie inspired by an old house in Marshall.

As a matter of fact, '11/9' debuted in 8th place. Yet, critics - most of whom obviously right-winged assholes - are calling it a bomb. However, it did OK, considering that 1) 'House' had over 4,000 screens, 2) '11/9' had the fewest amount of screens of any film in the top 10 (1,700) and 3) '11/9' did a HELL of a lot better than convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza's crapfest "Death of a Nation", which has only made less than $6 million at the box office.

It's also worth noting that '11/9' has already done way better than his last flick, "Where To Invade Next" from a little over two years ago. It didn't help that it debuted the same weekend as a little superhero movie called "Deadpool" that grossed over $780 million at the box office and was in a mere 300 screens. 'Invade' also debuted in 19th place. However, yes, "Capitalism: A Love Story" (2009; $17 million gross) and "Sicko" (2007; $22 million) both did much better. And yes, there was "Fahrenheit 9/11", which grossed over $222 million worldwide.

So why all the haterade toward Moore? Simple: he can do what other political documentary filmmakers can't do and that's bring an audience. Oh, did I mention that there were free sneak previews Wednesday night on Moore's dime? Yep, Moore was giving his film away to those who wanted to see it for free. And BTW, I paid to see it Saturday afternoon.

Personally, like most other Moore films, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The simple message of the movie itself is that America is a leftist country and the reason for Drumpf's victory in 2016 was simply because Americans are PISSED that the Dems would rather reason with the Repukes instead of going at it alone. This is why we don't have universal healthcare, free colleges and so on. You get establishment politicians and you'll get establishment policies that don't work for most people. Look at Obamacare: it's worked for a lot of people, but it hasn't for others. Hell, Obama even shot himself in the ass when he visited Flint and *pretended* to drink a sip of water like a dude going down on a woman in a Skinemax movie.

The thing is, is that look at "Sicko". It made way less than "9/11" but it still opened the debate of healthcare in America. "Bowling For Columbine" got us talking more about guns, and so on. I hope if anything can be achieved with "11/9", it's that it will make people realize that this is a progressive-minded country and that the Dems need to act more progressive or else Drumpf will be a two-term president. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would make an awesome president, but she's only 28. The Dems BETTER get a good candidate for 2020 or else the road to the rebirth of 2008 will happen in 2024.

For those who hate Michael Moore and are laughing about his "bomb", the real "bomb" is living in the White House right now.


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