Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9.19.18 Bee-otches of the Day: Artprize

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Artprize
Age: 10
Occupation: overrated art competition
Last Seen: Grand Rapids, MI
Bee-otched For: another year of being a three-week advertisement for Amway


Oh, great. Richard Devos hasn't been dead for two weeks and we're stuck again with more scAmway bullshit.

And its name is Artprize, or as we call it here, fArtprize.

I know, the people who made their pieces spent hundreds and some thousands of hours, plus lots of blood, sweat and tears (and semen) completing their pieces for the festival. It's too bad that the people who created the festival are some of the scummiest people around.

And yes, it's the Devos clan.

In this case, it's Rick Devos - the grandson of Rich Devos  - who gave us fArtPrize, which is celebrating 10 years of praying and hoping that all the rooms at the Amway Grand and JM Marriott are filled and maybe, just maybe, some out-of-towners will be buying a car from Fox Motors.

I love the fact that on fArtPrize's website, the first line of Rick Devos' bio page says "Rick DeVos, age 35, is an entrepreneur and investor." Yeah, no shit. It's all because of daddy. Neither Rick or Dick have really worked a day in their lives because of their dad and grandpa. I also love the fact that on their sponsor page, they list Rick's maternal grandparents' foundation, the Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation as a foundation supporter. Funny, since they support the schmuck in Fremont who tried to get Howard Stern off the air.

You see, fArtPrize is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It acts like a left-leaning art festival of self-expression, but instead, it's a three-week festival to support the Devos family and all their aspects. This is a dangerous festival, folks, The Devoses are anti-middle class, anti-LGBTQ and helped to turn Michigan into a Right to Work (for less) state. This is why I'll try to avoid downtown Grand Rapids during this time.

And once again, I hope and pray somebody will yell "fuck 'er in the pussy" if WOOD-TV puts them on TV.



Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!



  1. Sorry but you don't know what you're talking about if you think that this non-profit exists as a some kind of side hustle for them. ArtPrize IS an unfiltered celebration of self-expression and freedom of thought and speech, there are plenty of ArtPrize works that are explicit f-you's to the DeVos's. It doesn't exist for the purpose of supporting or glorifying them.

    1. You do have a point. Look at the Traverse City Film Festival: Michael Moore bashes the Republicans constantly, yet, local business owners hug him over the fact that it brings business to TC. However, fArtprize also brings a lot of business to Devos-owned properties like their hotels. I know that there's a TON of great works and lots of blood, sweat and tears go into those works. But to me, I think all this does is make the Devoses look good. Don't forget, Hitler built the Autobahn.
