Monday, March 18, 2019

3.18.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: Cheeto
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: spreading his disease
On Friday, America woke up to hear about another senseless incident of gun violence.

A monster went into two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand and opened fire. The death toll now stands at 50. The perpetrator was a fan of Drumpf and lauded him for bringing more power to the Aryan race worldwide.

This was one of the worst shootings in New Zealand's history. This happened in a country where buying a gun is tougher than it is in other countries, especially here in America. In New Zealand, gun buyers must pass a psychiatric exam and allow the police in their homes to make sure their guns are safe from children.

This weekend, my mom and I had a discussion on the gun laws in New Zealand. She asked that if Chicago had tough gun laws, then why are they still one of the most-violent cities in America? The answer, sadly, is simple: towns bordering The Windy City have lax gun laws. There's also gun show loopholes. New Zealand is an island, so it's difficult for one to go someplace else to get a gun.

The sad thing is that tough gun laws for one city won't work. We need tougher gun laws in America NOW. But as long as Drumpf is president, it won't happen.

But the real winner here is New Zealand's prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. After the attacks, she wore a hijab and proclaimed that "they are us". She's also calling for tougher gun laws in her country. The interesting thing about her is that she's just 38 and a woman.

You know, folks, it's funny that we're so fucking behind other countries. They get it right, but not us. They have excellent healthcare while we spend trillions on war. Our nation's young adults are ass-deep in college loan debt while in other countries, college is free. Here, we have mass shootings at our schools and while there's hardly any school violence in other nations, those kids who call for tougher gun laws are called "libtards". Overseas, nudity on TV is celebrated, but here, it's an investigation by the FCC. I can go on and on.

Folks, this is why it sucks that we can't elect a true progressive as president. The Dems had their chance with Bernie, but fucked it up. Now, we have a racist, womanizing asshole running this once great nation. And sadly, his disease is spreading around the world.

When will we learn?

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