Name: Michele Bachmann
Age: 55
Occupation: Congresswoman (R-MN)
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: praying the gay teens away
I don't care what Obama does in the next 15 months, I'd rather re-elect him over voting for this bitch.
Michele Bachmann has proven to the world that she's nothing more than a bitch who's praying the gay away. How she became a congresswoman is beyond me, but then again, some people are just stupid. Bachmann has one of the strongest anti-gay stances of any politician, and it's having a negative effect on her district.
In the past two years, nine teens who have attended the Anoka-Hennepin school district have committed suicide because of bullying. These teens were gay, or rumored to be gay. State health officials even labeled the district a "suicide contagion area". One of the girls was Samantha Johnson, who was just 13 when she was shot herself to death in the family bathtub. Her mother told Mother Jones Magazine that she wishes that she never moved to the area from North Dakota, and that she cries when the school bus passes her house. Samantha was often teased for the fact that she was a tomboy with short hair, manly clothes and the fact that she was chubby.
Samantha often sought refuge with other students who were teased, some of whom were gay. She, along with several students even begged Fred Moore Middle School to start a gay/straight alliance club, but the district balked. The group finally held their first meeting November 2009 just after Samantha's death.
One reason for the balking was due to Anoka-Hennepin bowing to the religious right. In the mid-90's, the district banned their staff from talking about homosexuality, even in regards to sex education and AIDS. They don't even want their teachers to talk about it being normal. The policies were put in place in part due to several religious groups like the Minnesota Family Council, who are huge supporters of Bachmann's. They've even promoted putting materials in schools that they claim that would prevent people from being gay, similar to the infamous "pray away the gay" programs Michele's husband Marcus has at his clinics.
One member of the MFC, Barb Johnson claimed that the GSA clubs would promote homosexuality; she even told a local newspaper that they would promote sexual activity that would increase the chances of getting AIDS.
Last year, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) launched their "Day of Silence" at schools across the country after Samantha's death and others. But, surprise! The Jebus freaks created the "Day of Truth", where Christian teens encourage LGBT teens to turn their lives around because in their feeble little minds, God hate fags.
15-year-old Justin Aaberg was one of the gay teens who was preached to. According to his mother, another student told him that he was going to hell because he was gay. It sparked depression in him, and hanged himself last summer. After his death, his mother learned that the MFC distributed t-shirts to students promoting the event. Sadly, Aaberg attended Anoka High School, which is ironically Bachmann's alma mater.
Now, the Justice Department and the Department of Education are investigating the district for allegations of anti-gay bullying, and the Southern Law Poverty Center is suing them for a policy that is unconstitutional.
Thankfully, Senator Al Franken (D-MN) has introduced legislation that would force schools to protect gay students. Many Democrats (er, Democratic-Farmer-Laborer) have been supportive of anti-bullying legislation while Bachmann has kept her mouth shut.
You see, Bachmann is nothing more than a tool for the religious right. They're all funding her because they want a bigger Jebus freak in office than Reagan or even Bush. Tragically, we know what the end's gonna be: the right gets richer while the middle class ends up in a clusterfuck. Hell, Clinton wasn't the most holier than thou of all the presidents and he left the White House with a surplus that was squandered by Bush II and his cronies. If Michele Bachmann becomes president, God help us.
Pray away the gay? How about pray away the skank?
I don't care what Obama does in the next 15 months, I'd rather re-elect him over voting for this bitch.
Michele Bachmann has proven to the world that she's nothing more than a bitch who's praying the gay away. How she became a congresswoman is beyond me, but then again, some people are just stupid. Bachmann has one of the strongest anti-gay stances of any politician, and it's having a negative effect on her district.
In the past two years, nine teens who have attended the Anoka-Hennepin school district have committed suicide because of bullying. These teens were gay, or rumored to be gay. State health officials even labeled the district a "suicide contagion area". One of the girls was Samantha Johnson, who was just 13 when she was shot herself to death in the family bathtub. Her mother told Mother Jones Magazine that she wishes that she never moved to the area from North Dakota, and that she cries when the school bus passes her house. Samantha was often teased for the fact that she was a tomboy with short hair, manly clothes and the fact that she was chubby.
Samantha often sought refuge with other students who were teased, some of whom were gay. She, along with several students even begged Fred Moore Middle School to start a gay/straight alliance club, but the district balked. The group finally held their first meeting November 2009 just after Samantha's death.
One reason for the balking was due to Anoka-Hennepin bowing to the religious right. In the mid-90's, the district banned their staff from talking about homosexuality, even in regards to sex education and AIDS. They don't even want their teachers to talk about it being normal. The policies were put in place in part due to several religious groups like the Minnesota Family Council, who are huge supporters of Bachmann's. They've even promoted putting materials in schools that they claim that would prevent people from being gay, similar to the infamous "pray away the gay" programs Michele's husband Marcus has at his clinics.
One member of the MFC, Barb Johnson claimed that the GSA clubs would promote homosexuality; she even told a local newspaper that they would promote sexual activity that would increase the chances of getting AIDS.
Last year, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) launched their "Day of Silence" at schools across the country after Samantha's death and others. But, surprise! The Jebus freaks created the "Day of Truth", where Christian teens encourage LGBT teens to turn their lives around because in their feeble little minds, God hate fags.
15-year-old Justin Aaberg was one of the gay teens who was preached to. According to his mother, another student told him that he was going to hell because he was gay. It sparked depression in him, and hanged himself last summer. After his death, his mother learned that the MFC distributed t-shirts to students promoting the event. Sadly, Aaberg attended Anoka High School, which is ironically Bachmann's alma mater.
Now, the Justice Department and the Department of Education are investigating the district for allegations of anti-gay bullying, and the Southern Law Poverty Center is suing them for a policy that is unconstitutional.
Thankfully, Senator Al Franken (D-MN) has introduced legislation that would force schools to protect gay students. Many Democrats (er, Democratic-Farmer-Laborer) have been supportive of anti-bullying legislation while Bachmann has kept her mouth shut.
You see, Bachmann is nothing more than a tool for the religious right. They're all funding her because they want a bigger Jebus freak in office than Reagan or even Bush. Tragically, we know what the end's gonna be: the right gets richer while the middle class ends up in a clusterfuck. Hell, Clinton wasn't the most holier than thou of all the presidents and he left the White House with a surplus that was squandered by Bush II and his cronies. If Michele Bachmann becomes president, God help us.
Pray away the gay? How about pray away the skank?
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