Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2.7.17 Bee-otch of the Day: The Republican Party

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on Chuck69.com.


Name: The Republican Party
Age: 162
Occupation: the right wing
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: sending the Grim Reaper to our public schools


It's official: the woman whose family got strip clubs to close in Grand Rapids, tried to get Howard Stern off the air and tried to keep gay marriage outlawed is now the education secretary of the United States.

After being deadlocked at at 50-50 vote in the senate, all it took was Mike Pence's OK to have Betsy Devos to become the person overlooking education in America. This means that your kid's school will have the Grim Reaper, haunting teachers, kids and faculty alike.

As we all know, Devos never taught a public school nor attended one. She doesn't know how they're run. She thinks that all schools are just like Detroit's: old and falling apart. So, she has this little voucher program that allows kids to attend schools in other towns, giving schools in their hometown a slap in the face.

On this weekend's Saturday Night Live, Kate McKinnon accurately portrayed Devos during the hilarious Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer sketch. It serves Devos right, especially since McKinnon is a lesbian and the Devos family spent over $2 million fighting pro-gay laws.

The only good that came out of the epic vote was that two Republican senators chose not to allow Devos to hold her post. If one more chose to vote yes for Devos, she wouldn't be ES, but noooooo. Because of this, I hope there's a revolution in 2018 where we can kick a lot of these Repukes to the curb and in 2020 when we can do the same to Drumpf and his cronies.

But in the case of Betsy Devos, this Bee-otch is brought to you by the letters F and U.

Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com!

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

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