Monday, July 16, 2018

7.16.18 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: traitor
Last Seen: Helsinki
Bee-otched For: askin' for an arrestin'


The more we mention the man known as Drumpf, the more we hope and pray that the Repukes will get their collective asses kicked in the midterms.

Earlier today in a summit in Helsinki, Finland, Drumpf shoved his foot in his mouth by telling the crowd that he supported Russian president Vladimir Putin over the FBI and the Mueller investigation. During the summit, Drumpf also claimed that Putin had no collusion in the US elections. Putin even told reporters that he wanted Drumpf to win the 2016 elections to help strengthen US/Russian relations.

Democrats and Repukes alike on Capitol Hill have both blasted Drumpf for his un-American activities. Instead of blasting Putin, he simply got on his knees and kissed his ass. Many have called Drumpf's comments the worst action he made as president. Many have even called for his arrest once he sets his feet on American soil.

You know, folks, every fucking Repuke president we've had since Nixon has been an embarrassment for this country. I'm wondering if BusHitler's senseless slaughter of 3,000 people on 9/11 and 4,000 more during two botched wars, plus the invasion of Iraq itself was a worse action than what Drumpf did today. Remember, not long after he became president, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. After all, we got our troops out of Iraq and captured Osama. However, we're still in Afghanistan 15 years later. Maybe the next non-Repuke in the White House should get one every year he/she/they is president (personally, I'd rather have a flamboyant shemale running this country over the likes of Drumpf).

All I can say is that I hope that this will only be Drumpf's sole term. It's an embarrassment when our country's friends with Russia and enemies with the people we've been friends with for ages. I feel sorry for England, Canada and other nations that treat their people a helluva lot better than us. If Drumpf is elected another term into the White House, I might as well move to Canada. I might as well watch Rome burn while Drumpf plays his fiddle.

We don't have a president, folks. We have a dictator.


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