Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5.8.13 Bee-otch of the Day: Rush Limbaugh

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Rush Limbaugh
Age: 62
Occupation: blowhard
Last Seen: West Palm Beach, FL
Bee-otched For: prepping to lose some stations


The man Sen. Al Franken once called "The Big Fat Idiot" is still a big fat idiot.

As we all know, Rush Limbaugh got his fat ass in trouble for calling Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" for wanting businesses to give their employees free contraceptives as part of the Affordable Health Care Act. He lost hundreds of sponsors - local and national - as a result and even a few affiliates.

Now, he's smack dab in a world of words with Cumulus Media, which owns many Rush affiliates including several 50,000-watt blowtorches like WJR Detroit, WLS Chicago and his long-time flagship, WABC New York (even though he's now stationed in West Palm Beach, FL where he's heard on 1290 WJNO, owned by Clear Channel). The company's CEO, Lew Dickey claimed that Limbaugh's remark "cost us millions" in a statement. Dickey claimed that Rush's moronic remark only added on to the company's troubles, in which they had a down year.

Now, there's rumors that Rush might be off of Cumulus' stations by the end of the year when his contract expires with the company. Not a whole lot to worry, though; Clear Channel owns a ton of radio stations in many of the markets where he's on Cumulus O&Os. In New York, for an example, CC owns WOR and in Detroit, they have fumbling sports-talker WDFN.

You see, folks, that's what happens when you have a dumbass like Rush - four times married - judge a woman. I feel sad that he's even married now as it is, and I'm still sad and single. I would never do what Rush did to any woman, especially one smarter than he is. I'm glad that he's costing radio stations money. Hell, I know of several radio stations in northern Michigan that are now silent because one of them carried Rush and lost a TON of money (I'll let you guess which ones they are :).

Hey! He's retirement age! Please Rush, do it!

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