Monday, March 24, 2014

3.24.14 Bee-otch of the Day: Bill Schuette

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Bill Schuette
Age: 61
Occupation: Attorney General
Last Seen: Saginaw, MI
Bee-otched For: working against the people


Yet another reason why I won't vote Republican this November.

Michigan's attorney general, Republican Bill Schuette is proving that Dutch Reformists should not be running the system. He's anti-ACA, anti-cannibis legalization and now, anti-gay marriage.

Last week was supposed to be a good week for the LGBT community. Renowned gay basher Fred Phelps died a slow, painful death and here in Michigan, Judge Bernard Friedman - a Reagan-appointed judge, mind you - overturned the state's 10-year-old ban on gay marriage. In 2004, voters passed an initiative banning gay marriage in the state. But Friedman stepped in and overturned the ruling, briefly making Michigan the 18th state to legalize it.

Saturday morning, several courthouses opened early and issued several hundred marriage licenses. But the party ended almost as soon as it began. An appeals court in Cincinnati overturned Judge Friedman's ruling, at least temporarily. Now, another court is looking at that appeal to see if it will stay or go.

But one thing's for certain, Schuette will do anything to make Pastor Phelps happy.

He's one of the people who helped to appeal Friedman's decision and during a country club get-together of fellow Republicans in Saginaw, he proclaimed that it's up to the courts to decide if Michigan will keep the ban intact.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I hate the Dutch Reformist morons whose main goal is to make Michigan a red state to benefit them and their fellow Devos family instead of the middle class and other have-nots. I think it's time to allow the LGBT community to marry each other. Hell, it'll be a boon for the state since hell, we need the money! I'm tired of the potholes destroying our roads. If it means to legalize things that are *OH NO! EEEK!* bad, so let it be.

Time to teach the Hollanders a lesson.

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