Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10.12.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Samsung

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Samsung
Age: 78
Occupation: electronics maker
Last Seen: Suwon, South Korea
Bee-otched For: sending their Note 7 into the Galaxy


Don't you just love having something that explodes in your pocket that's NOT severe diarrhea?

After only a few months on the market, Samsung has pulled their Galaxy Note 7 off their shelves indefinitely because of their batteries exploding. They tried to make their replacement phones better, but even those were overheating and exploding, too.

Now, I own a Note 5 and I had my own recent issue with it. I took it to my pool where it got wet and since it was 90 degrees, it overheated. I turned it off and on, and even though it cooled off, it still said it was overheating. I sent it in to Samsung to get fixed only to have them tell me that because it got wet, it was "Beyond Economical Repair". I got the phone back, but thank God, it somehow worked like a charm. I was shocked. Of course, there was that part of me that wished that I could have chucked it into some rice before shipping it out.

Oh, and last week, the SIM card failed and had to get a new one. That sucked.

Did I mention that I got a wireless charger for my phone and it died only three months after I bought it? SMH.

The Note 7 (and BTW, there's no Note 6 because Samsung wanted their phone to be in line with their Galaxy S series) was supposed to be waterproof, unlike the Note 5. But now with their exploding batteries, there's a chance that the model could be discontinued altogether.

Now, as somebody who has used Samsung products all his life, this news kinda makes me shake my head and wonder why the hell I use them in the first place. I had a Samsung TV that I had from high school until 2008 when I upgraded to HD. I still have that TV, though one day a few years ago, I was taking a piss and heard it turn on and off constantly. I went to check on it and there was something burning. I immediately unplugged the TV and called Samsung. They told me that my model was under a recall and it was a free fix. No worries, though I was tubeless for a few days.

I've had many Samsung phones, and the issues I've had with them over the years included shitty antennas to the charging port breaking. I've talked to a few cell phone folks and they all agree that Samsung's biggest issue is cheap parts. Yet, you look at their current models and they're so sleek-looking.

The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking that my next phone might be an iPhone. I have family that have them and they all love them to death. Plus, Apple is an American company, even though like Samsung, their phones are not made here in the U.S. of A.

My two-year contract with my phone company ends a year from December, so if they want me to be retained as a customer, Samsung better act now or else my next phone will have the words "Steve Jobs" written all over it.

Is it me, or is "Samsung" Korean for "Nitrate"?

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