Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1.25.12 Bee-otch of the Day: Americans For Prosperity

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Americans For Prosperity
Age: 8
Occupation: right winged asshole group
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: making me love Obama more
Love it or hate it, America's coming back.

At last night's State of the Union address, President Obama proclaimed the good news regarding our once-truly ailing economy. The best news came to us Michiganders, that GM is now the world's top automaker again. Factories are being built again and businesses are hiring.

But somehow, the Repukes love to shove the wrench in the gears.

One such organization is the Americans For Prosperity, a far-right-winged group that claims to promote business by urging legislators to reduce regulations that make things easier to run one. From the sounds of things, AFP wants America to return to the olden days of no minimum wage, unions or even the laws that keep us safe.

Recently, AFP has released several commercials that bash Obama over his administration's handling of failed alternative energy giant Solyndra, bashing them by saying that they wasted major tax dollars on their funding and that even they knew that the company was on a crash course of failure.

But, guess who heavily funds AFP? THE KOCH BROTHERS! Yep, as in the people who own the namesake company that makes over $100 billion per year polluting our environment through everything from mining to petroleum. They're HUGE spenders on the Republican party, even buying candidates like Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. Basically put, the Kochs are buying these ads to tell people that alternative energy - especially earth-safe solar power - will always fail and that the only way to a good life is to pump out fossil fuels from the earth.

Look, I know that the Solyndra debacle was damning to Obama's career, but hey! Bush wasted even more tax money on a war that cost us $800 billion and killed thousands of innocent people! Under Obama, spending has decreased in comparison to Bush and other Repukes.

Even though I'm not 100% with Obama, he's definitely the lesser of the evils, especially against Congress. Hell, I learned tonight that the average American loves PARIS HILTON more than them! All AFP wants to do is scare people into hating Obama and spreading more BS so the lowest common denominator will show up at the polls, vote Republican and watch this great nation sink back into the doldrums Bush created.

May the Koch brothers choke on the smoke they create.
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