Monday, September 15, 2014

9.15.14 Bee-otch of the Day: Miley Cyrus

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Miley Cyrus
Age: 21
Occupation: waste of human life
Last Seen: Los Angeles
Bee-otched For: ruining a classic

When a lousy-ass pop musician re-does a classic rock song, to me, it's like somebody pooping on the Mona Lisa.

Last weekend, Miley Cyrus took her beloved wrecking ball to the 1968 Led Zeppelin classic "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You", which was released on a lo-fi format on (and no, we're not gonna link it because, well, Miley sucks).

Well, in all fairness, the tune is actually a 1950's folk ballad written by Anne Bredon and first recorded in 1962 by Joan Baez. However, Led Zeppelin rearranged the tune for their first self-titled album, released in 1969. As a matter of fact, they thought it was a traditional folk song until they realized in the 1980's that it was written by Bredon, and since then, Ms. Bredon - now 84 - has gotten substantial royalties from the LZ version of her tune.

Even though Led Zeppelin did not write 'Babe', their version is probably the best-known. But to have an overrated pop tart like Miley ruin the classic and have it sound like it was recorded on an old Apple II doesn't give it justice. All she's good for is getting naked in front of rich people and that's it. I remembered when Anne and Nancy Wilson covered "Stairway to Heaven" while the three surviving members were in attendance, one of the Led Zeppelin members started to cry.

Now, the tears are for what Miley has destroyed.


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