Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2.8.12 Bee-otch of the Day: Karl Rove


Name: Karl Rove
Age: 61
Occupation: former Bush henchman
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: hating Michigan

A few days ago, we talked about the worst ad that aired during the Super Bowl (or at least here in Grand Rapids, before the big game): an ad that only aired here in Michigan for foormer Michigan congressman Pete Hoekstra that showed a young Asian woman pulling a Stepin Fetchit.

But today, we're going to talk about the BEST ad that aired during the Super Bowl, at least to us Michiganders still trying to get over the big economic collapse that damn near killed the state and the automobile industry.

And yes, it's this ad:

Without a doubt, Clint Eastwood - who shot his 2008 hit Gran Torino in the Motor City - made Michigan's day on Sunday when he delivered his inspirational message in that two-minute ad, "Halftime in America". True, Eastwood lives in California, the ad makes it feel that Eastwood had adopted Detroit as his home town and made it feel that the long-ailing city is making a huge comeback.

But leave it up to one of Dubya's butt buddies to piss in Detroit's recovery candles.

Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President Bush Karl Rove attacked the ad, claiming that they were propaganda to President Obama's bailout to the automakers in 2009. However, Eastwood, a lifelong Republican, claimed that the ad was mainly a-political and was simply supportive of a secotr of manufacturing that has been abused for years.

But like Reagan's "Morning in America" ad in 1984, the ad was designed to revive America's trust in automobile manufacturing, and compared ourselves to just a few years ago when GM was thisclose to ceasing to exist. After all, if Republicans hate anything, it's Detroit, one of the last true union towns in America.

Folks, if there's one state that the Repukes hate, it's Michigan. Presidents Reagan and Bushes I and II alongside Governors Engler and currently Snyder have all seemed to work together - at least through spirit - to turn this once great state into nothing more than a hellhole that's the only state to lose population in the naughties. This state will fight to the finish to keep in the unions and fight corrupt bosses who care more about their paychecks than their replaceable employees.

Next to watching Howard Stern hosing morons trying to sing "Moves Like Jagger" and maybe the MetLife ad that brought back Saturday morning memories, this was the best ad to air this past Sunday. Sadly, I only saw the second half of it since I was busy pouring a shot of Jameson when it aired (damn do I love the internet), but I'll tell ya what, nobody can do it like Eastwood.

As for Rove, he needs to shut up. This is the moron who helped Bush win his disastrous second term in office and screwed over America by revealing Valarie Plame's identity. He needs to keep his goddamned mouth shut. The auto bailout was successful and auto workers in Michigan and elsewhere still have jobs, plus, there's new factories being built all over.

Karl Rove: a man who needs to run out into an intersection and get hit by a Chevy.
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