Thursday, May 7, 2015

5.7.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Rick Snyder

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on




Name: Rick Snyder
Age: 58
Occupation: failing governor
Last Seen: Michigan
Bee-otched For: seeing his little road bill get shot down in flames

Looks like the governor will have to find other ways of getting our roads fixed here in Michigan.

Yesterday, the voters did turn out and Prop 1 was a complete disaster, getting shot down 80% to 20%. The bill would have shot up the state's sales tax from 6 to 7% and given the state an extra $1.2 billion in road funding.

Since the bill was introduced, it had seen its fair share of opposition from folks like myself who claim that it would only benefit the wealthy in tax breaks. However, even Democrats like former Sen. Carl Levin appeared in ads supporting the bill.

Now, the state is looking into what they can do to fix the failing roads, especially with the potholes created by the hot summers and cold winters. Here's an idea: TAX THE FUCKING WEALTHY ALREADY!

You know, the Devoses are worth $7 billion and the Meijers are worth slightly more. Do they need all that money? NO! Oh, they do since they want to give the Repukes more money in kickbacks. Never mind.

Folks, the more money you make, the more you should pay in taxes. There's those in the middle class in Michigan who pay more than the wealthy! So why should the middle class - who tend to buy more with their money - be forced to spend more? Duh!

Well, the people have spoken. It's time for Michigan lawmakers to find a new way to fix the roads. If we voted Democrat last fall, this situation would be done. Jennifer Granholm was a helluva better governor over this clown. If there's anybody saving Michigan right now, it's Obama, not the Stuffed Turd.

And to think that he might be running for president in 2016. I guess I'll be moving to Canada....


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