Monday, August 10, 2015

8.10.15 Bee-otches of the Day: Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Names: Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat
Ages: 43, 42
Occupations: state legislators
Last Seen: Lapeer, Plainwell
Bee-otched For: proving that the GOP is the party of family values


Last week, she lovingly gave Cindy Gamrat the Bee-otch of the Day because she wanted Michigan to no longer accept funding for Planned Parenthood. This, of course, came about since a heavily-edited video came out showing a PP employee telling an undercover anti-abortion advocate that they sold unborn children's organs and such.

Gamrat also opposed homosexuality and was even kicked out of congressional meetings for spreading confidential information. Now, the tea party favorite's political career is under fire.

The Detroit News revealed last week that Gamrat is having an affair with fellow Republican state rep Todd Courser, who distributed a false email claiming that he had sex with a male prostitute to hide his relationship with Gamrat. Even worse, it was discovered that the two used taxpayer funds to hide their relationship.

In Gamrat's case, she's married with three children. So much for her so-called "family values".

I think it's nothing short of shameful that we pay these fuckers to make up our laws. They tell us that we need to protect unborn kids, but now, Gamrat's children are probably fucking embarrassed that their mother is a cheating slut. They probably wished that they were aborted.

The moral of the story is that when neo-cons like Courser and Gamrat shove their bullshit into our face, they end up getting caught in an affair or sleeping with children. People with these types of false values are a cop-out to so many and it causes people to vote Democrat. I hope the two are forced to resign.

You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
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