Thursday, July 28, 2016

7.28.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 70
Occupation: president wannabe
Last Seen: New York, NY
Bee-otched For: milking a dead cow

You know, I love it how the Repukes keep begging the government to throw Hillary Clinton into jail over her email scandal.

Now, Drumpf has really crossed over the line.

Yesterday, the mega billionaire in a speech asked Russia to hack into her email to retrieve 30,000 emails that she sent. That's right! He asked the enemy to help.

It's bullshit like this that ruin my trust in the Republican party. They don't give two shits about privacy, whether it's ours or Hillary's. For them, it's all about what can they do to throw her into jail over Benghazi, an incident that she has been found innocent on.

Meanwhile, we have an ex-president sitting on his ass in Texas pretending to be Bob Ross whose ignorance caused 3,000 people to die on 9/11 and 4,000 more Americans during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Why isn't this asshole in jail? Why wasn't there a big witchhunt as to why he's not in jail?

This is why I don't vote Republican, folks. All they care about is sending decent people to jail while they give the wealthy everything. This is sick. Donald Drumpf is in no way, shape or form good enough to be our president. This logic of his is why some say that if he's elected president, he'll be the last president ever.

Donald Drumpf: he'll make you kiss your ass goodbye.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7.27.16 Bee-otches of the Day: the media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: the media
Age: ageless
Occupation: the supposed informers of the world
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: lying once again

Yesterday, history was made.


It's official: Hillary Clinton was chosen as the first nominee in presidential history. Even Bernie Sanders stood up to break party rules to nominate Clinton in what many feel was a momentous occasion in our nation's history.

But *insert needle scratching across a record here*, SURPRISE! Hillary's NOT the first-ever presidential nominee.

OK, so she's the first nominee IN A MAJOR PARTY, but what about Jill Stein, currently running for the Green Party? Roseanne Barr ran with the Peace and Freedom Party in 2012. The first woman to get on the presidential ballot was comedienne Gracie Allen in 1940 with the "Surprise Party" (of course, she lost in a landslide against the extremely popular Franklin D. Roosevelt; she only got 42,000 votes).

As a matter of fact, THIRTY-EIGHT women have all been nominated for president in our nation's history. True, all except Clinton are third party candidates. Some of the parties are quite liberal, like the Peace and Freedom Party, while others are far to the right like the Right to Life Party.

True, I think it would be kinda cool to see a third party overtake the White House, but when was the last time that ever happened? The media would rather see Trump and Clinton kill each other because it's all about ratings.

For them to say that Hillary Clinton is the first female presidential nominee in history is a total lie, and they need to get their facts straight. I should be happy for her, but as a Bernie supporter, her victory is bittersweet.

But as long as Donald Drumpf doesn't become president, I'll be happy.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

7.26.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Dinesh D'Souza

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Dinesh D'Souza
Age: 55
Occupation: right-wing Michael Moore wannabe
Last Seen: San Diego
Bee-otched For: making more tripe

Last weekend, many Americans went to watch another new Star Trek movie, some SNL ladies zap some ghosts and watch what people's pets do when they're away.

But some people actually went and saw some incoherent piece of shit blasting Hillary Clinton.

That's right! The conservative's Michael Moore, Dinesh D'Souza has made another flaming piece of shit showing at your local cinema. This time, it's "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party", a movie that explains that once upon a time, the Democratic Party was made up of racists and those who supported slavery. The movie has been panned by critics on Rotten Tomatoes, claiming that it's nothing more than a poorly-made propaganda film.

However, in all fairness, the movie is doing OK at the box office. It made $4 million last weekend, which is just about the same amount of money Moore's last film, "Where to Invade Next" did throughout its whole run earlier this year. Oddly enough, the company that distributed "Hillary's America", Quality Flix/Pure Flix (two different names but pretty much the same company), is the same studio that gave us "God's Not Dead" and "Woodlawn".

An unapologetic film that bashes liberals. How Christian of them.

However, it's worth noting that "Where to Invade Next" didn't do well because 1) it had poor distribution and 2) the movie wasn't well-promoted. The fact that Moore himself had pneumonia throughout the film's run didn't help, either. "Hillary's America" also had a $12.5 million budget. I doubt if it's going to recoup the money, especially if it debuted at #9 at the box office.

"Hillary's America" is D'Souza's third movie; his first two were "2016: Obama's America" which claims that at the end of the President's term America would turn into a Muslim nation (yeah, right!) and "America: Imagine the World Without Her", which claims that liberals have destroyed what the Founding Fathers have created.

I think it's laughable knowing that this bozo is the hero of the right when it comes to cinema and yet, he's a convicted felon. In 2014, he plead guilty for making illegal campaign contributions and was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a halfway house and a $30,000 fine. Tsk, tsk.

Look, D'Souza can make as much shit as he wants and if people with an IQ of double digits want to see his dreck, so let it be. I'm happy that there were eight films that did better than his this past weekend, and I don't expect this piece of Hitleresque bullshit to remain in the top ten at the box office for a second week, especially after the DNC this week.

Oh, and later this week, I'll be FINALLY going to the Traverse City Film Festival. Moore has done wonders with the event, especially when he brings major celebs to the community. Hell, he brought in Madonna one year and it was where "Borat" made its debut! I'm pretty sure Dinesh would like to go, but he would have to take it up with his parole officer first.

I see that he calls himself a "Christian apologetic". When he dies and goes up to the Great Beyond, he'll have to find a good way to defend himself for making shitty movies.

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Monday, July 25, 2016

7.25.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Age: 49
Occupation: outgoing Democratic National Committee chairperson
Last Seen: Philiadephia
Bee-otched For: being a quitter

Looks like Debbie Downer will fade into obscurity soon.

The chairperson of the DNC announced Sunday that after this week's Democratic National Convention this week, she will resign from her position. This after Wikileaks revealed some 11,000 emails where her and fellow DNC members made some unflattering remarks about Bernie Sanders and his botched campaign for president.

In the emails, Debbie attacked Sanders because of him being a Jew. She even attacked reporters who blasted her and so on. It was clearly her goal to get the media on board to manipulate people into thinking that Hillary Clinton was the only Democrat for the job and whad'ya know, she got her wish.

Sunday morning, Sanders told the media that he was happy that Schultz was gone because of her misconduct, but would still stand behind Hillary so Donald Drumpf doesn't become our next president.

Because of DWS's bullshit, unity in the Democratic Party seems to be at an all time low. Last week, Clinton announced Virginia senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine is a centralist Democrat who has been criticized for his views against abortion and gay rights. Simply put, he's Joe Lieberman all over again. It's also because of the lack of unity among Democrats that Michael Moore wrote an article claiming that Drumpf will be the next president of the United States. He thinks it's because of the fact that more people voted in Michigan and other Midwestern states for the Republicans over the Democrats in the primaries, the fact that older people vote more than younger people, the fact that 70% of Americans find her untrustworthy, people upset over Sanders getting bamboozled out of the primaries and the fact that Drumpf is a celebrity and people love 'em in politics.

Look, I don't want another Repuke in the White House, at least in my lifetime. I, like most of you suffered through eight miserable, fucked up years under Bush and look at what we got. Fuck, look at Isis! Thanks to him, Iraq is a hellhole because of the three fake wars he and Dick Cheney started.

I hope that DWS is happy that she made the Democrats ununified. As much as I wanted Bernie to win, I guess we have the choice of a man who'll be Bush's third term or a woman who tells people that she'll make healthcare better and make college affordable until somebody pays her to stop.

Debbie, don't let the door hit you on your old, saggy ass. 
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

7.21.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 70
Occupation: president wannabe
Last Seen: Cleveland, OH
Bee-otched For: having a family of copiers

I've always wondered what happened to the living member of Milli Vanilli.

Could he be the speechwriter for the Trump family?

The greatest controversy regarding the RNC this week is the fact that The Don's wife, Melania's speech sounded shockingly similar to Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC in 2008. While the model has been getting all the blame, the real fault is their speech writer's, Meredith McIver's. In an interview, McIver claimed that she talked with Mrs. Trump, who claimed that she admired the First Lady and gave examples of her 2008 speech. McIver wrote them down for Trump to recite at the RNC.

But guess what? Melania's speech wasn't the only one that was a ripoff at the RNC. Donald Trump, Jr.'s speech sounded a lot like an article from the magazine American Conservative

Really, Trump family? This is worse than the 1984 "Ghostbusters" movie being the ripoff of a creepy 1970's kids show or the likes of Bob and Tom, Mancow and other morning show dicks ripping off Howard Stern.

I have a sad feeling that Donald himself will rip his presidency off from the likes of Reagan and the Bushes. That's what will happen if he's elected: more wars, the middle class being crushed and the wealthy getting massive tax breaks. You know the hard work Obama put into his last four years in office? Kiss it goodbye.

Let's hope the next president will take Obama's achievements and copies them instead.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

7.19.16 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 70
Occupation: president wannabe
Last Seen: Cleveland, OH
Bee-otched For: still making bad decisions


Yep! The Republican National Convention is up and running and so far, there's many in the Republican party that's all protesting the fact that Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee. Even though he's got enough votes, there's many who - believe it or not - don't want him on the ticket. After all, his campaign is designed to attract those who aren't the brightest light bulb.

Now, he's announced his running mate, controversial Indiana governor Mike Pence. As many of you recall, Pence was the governor who signed into law a so-called "freedom of religion" act that allows businesses to refuse service to gay people. Kinda like the days when there were certain places that refused service to "colored" people.

For Trump, getting Pence on board could kill him, especially with those who support gay rights. Right now, Pence's approval rating is at 40% in his home state and is one of the worst among all governors in America.

(And get this: our beloved governor, Rick Snyder is the third-worst governor in America with a 32% approval rating. The worst, BTW is Kansas' Sam Brownback with a 26% rating. The highest-rated governor at 72%, BTW is Massachusetts' Charlie Baker, a Republican known for being socially liberal but fiscally conservative.)

Now, it's Hillary's turn. Who will be her running mate? Elizabeth Warren? John Hickenlooper? Personally, I like both since 1) Warren is a true progressive, calling for a big increase to Social Security and taxes for the wealthy and 2) Hickenlooper was the governor in Colorado who legalized cannabis use in the state, helping that state's economy.

Like I said many times, if Hillary's elected, she'll stop being the true progressive that many want her to be once people start forking over money to her. But, better her over Trump. Sorry, but I do not want a repeat of 2001-2009. I don't want to hear that Trump isn't like Bush, either. As soon as he enters the White House, the wealthy will be celebrating while the middle class suffers.

Wait and see.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Monday, July 18, 2016

7.18.16 Bee-otch of the Day: NRA

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: National Rifle Association
Age: 145
Occupation: pro-gun group
Last Seen: Fairfax, VA
Bee-otched For: another day, another war of blacks vs. police

These have been tough times for those wishing that gun violence would stop.

Yesterday, an armed black man gunned down six police officers in Baton Rouge, LA, killing three. This, of course was just a few weeks after police gunned down Alton Sterling, who was standing outside of a convenience store, selling CDs.

It's well-known that this country's obsession of cops beating the shit out of black people has been well-documented. Just look at Rodney King and the riots that happened in L.A. after the cops who beat him were found not guilty. Now that almost everybody is carrying a smartphone these days, people are willing to record images of blacks getting beaten and even murdered by the cops.

When I think about incidents like these, I wonder if the NRA will ever realize that the Second Amendment was written when guns weren't semiautomatic and that they're killing machines, plain and simple. With the Republican National Convention this week, I wonder what type of vitriol they will spew. After all, most of them are bought by the NRA. Who knows? Maybe they'll drag out excuses that the media is encouraging blacks to kill cops. After all, look at Ice-T and his band Body Count's "Cop Killer" from 25 years ago. I fondly remember good 'ol Charlton Heston reciting the lyrics: "die die die pig die, fuck the police!" Of course, Time Warner adhered to demands from pro-police groups and yanked the song off the band's self-titled album.

OK, so Heston's wishes came true. Why not the rest of us? Why is it easier for a kid to buy a gun and not porn? Guns are protected under the Second Amendment, but porn is even important, the First Amendment. For some reason, it's easier for somebody to kill someone else than for them to get a boner.

Folks, the only way we can stop hearing about gun violence is to vote for politicians who are anti-gun, plain and simple. We have an election coming up, it's time to get the NRA gun nuts outta there.

No more.

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7.14.16 Bee-otch of the Day: The Democratic Party

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: The Democratic Party
Age: 188
Occupation: the assumed left wing of the US
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: forcing Bernie to bow down

The Bern was great while it lasted.

On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders announced that he was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. He didn't really announce that his run at the White House was over, either. But, with Democrats at odds with each other in regards to the fight between the two candidates, a truce had to be called.

Many Bernie supporters - like myself - all claim that the system to get Hillary the nomination for President of the United States was rigged thanks to superdelegates, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the media all crying that Sanders had no chance in hell of winning. Yet, he won many states, including here in Michigan.

With Sanders endorsing Clinton, it's leaving many who are part of the "I won't vote for Hillary" club pissed. Even with Sanders' endorsement, some are pledging to break party lines to vote for somebody else, namely the Green party's Dr. Jill Stein. Right now, Hillary has a small lead over Donald Trump in the polls.

You know, I remember 2000 quite well. I didn't like Bush and I didn't like the fact that Al Gore chose a fake Democrat, Joe Lieberman to be his running mate. There were lots of Democrats who did the same or voted for the Green party as well. The end result? Well, do I have to repeat the travesty known as the Bush administration?

Look, if Donald Trump becomes president, God help us all. He will rob us of the hard work Obama has done for our country. While Bush was president, my wages only increased once and I saw my hometown of Grand Rapids lose too many jobs. Yes, I'm not endorsing Hillary by any means, but do we have a choice?

I know, she's telling Bernie's supporters that she'll work to create free healthcare and free colleges. But, let's remember that for her, the promises will be broken once somebody gives her money. Ever see "Sicko"? Um, yeah.

Only a few months away, folks.....
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Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on!

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

7.13.16 Bee-otch of the Day: 89X

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: CIMX "89X"
Age: 49; 26 as 89X
Occupation: alternative rock station
Last Seen: Windsor, ON
Bee-otched For: proving that they suck

Twenty years ago, I was VERY excited about going to Detroit, just to listen to the radio.

Living in boring northern Michigan, I was forced to listen to shitty radio. I was too old for KHQ and The Peak and not old enough for KLT. For me, stations like K-Rock, The Edge and the alt-rock classics on Planet 96.3 simply made me wish that I lived downstate instead of having to hit the seek button all the time on my car radio.

Now that I have a phone with the internet hooked on to it, checking out another town's radio scene is, well, worthless, even Detroit's. But sadly, during the Fourth of July weekend, it wasn't a reality for me.

The weekend before my trip, I took my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to the pool, wrapped it up in a plastic bag and took some underwater shots. I put it back in the bag I took for my towel and such and the hot sun overheated it. I put it back into the plastic bag to cool off in the pool, but water started to seep in there, wrecking the circuits. I contacted Samsung and they told me to ship it in. Problem was, they weren't going to touch it until July 7th. So, I ended up having no phone to call or text people for two weeks and two days. Therefore, I had the displeasure of listening to (insert the sound of thunder and Toccata and Fugue in D minor) terrestrial radio throughout the whole trip.

Grand Rapids wasn't too bad, Lansing's rock station, Q106 reports as an active rocker but they air their fare share of hair metal, Flint was OK and neither is Detroit. Now, WRIF isn't bad at all. Hell, they're the #1 music station in The Motor City currently. But it's 89X that's the king of suck in the whole damn market.

When The Riff was doing one of their extra-long commercial blocks, I flipped it to 89X hoping for something decent while I was fighting traffic in front of the Chrysler Building on I-75. Guess what they were playing? "Butterfly" by Crazy Town. REALLY, 89X?!?! One of the dorkiest songs of the 2Ks and sadly, 89X was playing it. Of course, the station is buried in the middle of a shit ton of religious and classical stations which makes it a bitch to get to in the first place while I'm doing 75 on the expressway.

Of course, 89X has been hurting for a while. Since Dave and Chuck the Freak crossed over to WRIF for mornings, the station has been in a deep hurt. If they make it to a 2 share, they're lucky. But thankfully, the moron responsible for the station's embarrassment is leaving. Jay Hudson is rumored to be going to Washington, DC.

Aside from their Sunday morning Timewarp show and Saturday night's syndicated Skratch 'N Sniff, 89X is worthless. The fact that the station goes from Rob Zombie to Mumford and Sons to something Canadian that they MUST play thanks to CanCon rules is hurting the station, and their morning show, Cal & Co. is a steaming pile of shit. I do wonder if they can can that abortion and give Free Beer and Hot Wings a try, or even Bubba the Love Sponge?

Until changes are made, 89X will remain an embarrassment in the ratings. I think if I were station management, I'd go out onto the streets and ask what they should do to improve the station. Now that Detroit Sports 105.1 is gone, they and sister station 93.9 The River might as well be Detroit's red-headed stepchildren on the FM band.

Thank God I got my phone back (and even though Samsung voided my warranty because they found water in there, plus the fact that they didn't quite fix it, it's working just fine). 

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Monday, July 11, 2016

7.11.16 Bee-otch of the Day: David Boulkes

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: David Boelkes
Age: 22
Occupation: former pet store owner
Last Seen: Grand Rapids
Bee-otched For: making a profit off of puppy mills

Growing up in boring northern Michigan, if I went to the mall once in a great while, I was lucky.

Of course, I graduated high school, went to trade school and got a job in Grand Rapids. When it was time to get my first apartment, I was ecstatic that there was not one, but two shopping malls just down the street from me.

One mall was Centerpointe, which was mostly empty and eventually was redesigned to be an outdoor lifestyle center called The Shops at Centerpoint that's now doing a lot better. But it's the mall across the street, Woodland that's always done quite well.

I've always loved Woodland since it's clean, modern and well-managed. In the age of dead malls, Woodland has always been great when it comes to being competitive. Until 1997, it was Grand Rapids' main mall, but when Rivertown opened in nearby Grandville, the then-owners, Taubman remodeled it. They even added a new food court and shops that previously hadn't been in Grand Rapids. It was then sold to Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT) who further invested in Woodland by adding a new movie theatre (Cinemark, which is now a Celebration! Cinema), restaurants and a two-story Barnes and Noble, plus more stores previously not in Grand Rapids like H&M and The North Face.

Yes, I've had my issues with Woodland, such as gangs and the asshole foreigners trying to sell me fake bottles of Dead Sea Salt. But Woodland has a security department and I haven't been approached by foreigners there in ages. But last week, I had a new reason to avoid Woodland because they added a new store that SHOULDN'T be there in the first place:

A pet store.

On Tuesday, The Barking Boutique opened for business. It was owned by David Boelkes and it sold purebred puppies for between $1,600 and $4,000. According to Boelkes, his dogs were well-taken care of and were in healthy conditions, but that's not what local animal rights activists claimed.

Like many pet stores, The Barking Boutique was nothing more than a store that profited off of dogs while there's THOUSANDS of animals that are stuck in shelters nationwide waiting for good homes. True, there were some who thought that it would be cool to own a dog from Boulkes, and oddly enough, four people did buy dogs from him during the four days he was in business.

Now, The Barking Boutique is closing. Woodland management heard enough from outraged customers and is now kicking Boulkes and his dogs out. What's even worse is that Boulkes has to make money somehow, so he's put up a GoFundMe page (and no, we're not going to link it here because I don't want my haters to support this schmuck). He claims that he's over $75,000 in debt and is worried that since the store's now closed, he'll have no way of reclaiming that cash. Hell, some have even told him to just open a standalone store.

Since launching the page, Boulkes has raised a whopping $90. Thanks, but I have more important things to spend my money on to get a puppy mill prick out of the hole.

You know, there's a lot of 20-somethings with debt, which forces them to live with mommy and daddy. This dickhead thought that selling manufactured dogs would be the key to riches. Sadly, there's way too many dogs that are bred from puppy mills and they carry diseases and are far from healthy. Boelkes would spin that his dogs were inspected and blah blah blah, but in my mind, it's all about the money. I'm not against 22-year-olds starting their own business, but when animal cruelty is potentially involved, then it's an issue.

I'm happy that Woodland shitcanned The Barking Boutique. For years, the mall lacked a decent fast food burger joint until about a month ago when Dad's Classic Grill opened. Their burgers are fresh and made to order. The business is family-run and yes, you'll be having a hard time walking since their food is too damn delicious. OK, so call me a hypocrite because I support the bloody murder of cows, but that's life.

As for Boulkes, maybe he'll learn how to make money the right way like the rest of us.

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

7.7.16 Bee-otch of the Day: WOOD-TV

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Age: 67
Occupation: NBC-TV station
Last Seen: Grand Rapids, MI
Bee-0tched For: firing some good folks, but keeping some dead weight

It's amazing that articles I've written five-plus years ago are still being read and enjoyed.

In 2011, I wrote an article on WOOD-TV 8 firing long-time news anchor Suzanne Geha. Her dismissal made headlines and even today, people are still mad at the station for letting her go. Even more, my article is the most-read Bee-otch of the Day of all time.

This past week, I received a nice e-mail from a reader who loved my article and told me that she agreed with me 100% about WOOD-TV's bad decisions. She told me that she worked at a cafeteria many years ago and Suzanne came in to help, straight out of the blue. Despite her celebrity, she was a class act.

But that same woman had something else to say regarding morning weather woman Terri the Whor - er, Terri DeBoer.

She claimed that many years ago, she was in the same elevator as Terri in the old Towers Building downtown GR. Terri looked straight ahead and didn't say a word. Basically, she pretended that her shit didn't stink and moved on.

Needless to say, my reader hates Terri, maybe even more than me. She even wrote an email to her, telling her and her EightWest co-host Rachael Ruiz to find new jobs. Well, she did get an email from Mrs. DeBoer and it sounds generic:

Thank you for taking the time to email your observations to the station. 
Jordan is a delightful person and wonderful to have on our team! 
She is very giving and hard-working. 
I must say, your observations about Rachael are not quite on the mark. 
She is also a terrific person. Ellen Bacca is very smart and hard-working as well. 
Thanks for watching! 
Terri DeBoer

You know, I can't believe that this wrinkled old cunt is still at TV8 after some 20+ years and it makes me smile that she's still doing the early morning show Daybreak instead of 6 and 11. She's the highest in WX seniority at WOOD-TV, yet she's not the Chief Meteorologist. Instead, she's the weakest link on Daybreak and co-hosts that awful EightWest show no one watches. I am so goddamn thankful that after 44 years on the air, The Price is Right is still going strong, proving that there's better shows on TV than stupid chick shows.

But personally, I think the only reason why WOOD-TV still has DeBoer on the payroll is because she's an ass-kisser to the DeVos family. Ten years ago, she held a private fundraiser at her home for Dick Devos' failed gubernatorial run. I love it how she's a "conservative Christian" yet she gives money to a billionaire who has never worked a single fucking day in his life.

But if there's any silver linings out there, it's that 1) Terri's 52 years old and will have to retire sometime and 2) WOOD-TV is being sold to Nexstar Broadcasting and they're good at cost-cutting. With five staff meteorologists and the other stations in town only having three or four, I'd say that Terri's the weakest link.

As for Suzanne, I hope she's well. Her Facebook and Twitter pages haven't been updated in over a year, though.

Only in Grand Rapids, where losers excel.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7.6.16 Bee-otch of the Day: the State of Michigan

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: The State of Michigan
Age: 179
Occupation: the Wolverine State
Last Seen: surrounded by every Great Lake sans Ontario
Bee-0tched For: once again attaching strip clubs to trouble

The Great State of Michigan: hey, we can't give our friends in Flint clean water, but we can do damage to strip clubs.

This week, the state is posting a poster that tells people what to do if they see human trafficking. The posters are seen at such places as rest areas, bus stops and strip clubs.

Yes, I said strip clubs.

Now, I've been going to strip joints for years, and know somebody who worked at some of them for 25 years. Personally, I don't think there's a link or even proof that nudie joints are havens for human trafficking. I think a lot of the bullshit linking the two is all due to the shit Linda Lovelace spewed years ago, claiming that she was forced to do the sex scenes in "Deep Throat" at gunpoint by her husband. Just because one porno was made the wrong way doesn't mean that all porno actresses make their movies like that.

Look, years ago when I frequented Deja Vu in Kalamazoo, there was a young woman there who was only 19 and had a baby. I never got a lap dance from her because 1) she always stripped on stage to awful country music and 2) she was a mommy, which to me is a turnoff in a stripper. Anyway, she ended up getting canned from the club. Why? Because one day, a customer came into the club and told a manager that she had left her purse at his house. Turns out that the customer paid the woman $1000 to sleep with him, a club no-no. I commend Deja Vu, a very classy organization for getting rid of this woman who otherwise would have left a bigger mark on their organization.

But you know, I agree that sex trafficking is everywhere, and let's remember one person whose career ended because of it: John Balyo. It's funny that many of his supporters who gave money to his station here in Grand Rapids, WCSG were supporting his sick and twisted lifestyle. Now, he's serving virtually the rest of his life in prison for raping two boys, aged 11 and 12. So will WCSG air any PSAs telling people about sex trafficking? Doubt it.

The sad thing is that the businesses that some view as the least-holiest are anything but. Deja Vu regularly holds canned food drives and car washes to help the needy. Yet, there's Christian-owned businesses that rarely do those things. I think Jesus would rather hang out with a woman who sits on men's faces vs. a crooked asshole who makes millions off his image and yet doesn't give much back to his employees nor the community. Trust me. I worked for one for 10 1/2 years.

After all, God created boobies.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

7.5.16 Hero of the Day: Greater Media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Greater Media
Age: 60
Occupation: radio station owner
Last Seen: Braintree, MA
Awarded For: FINALLY putting on a decent format on Detroit's 105.1

Detroit Sports 105.1, we hardly knew ye.

After just three miserable years on the air and ratings under a one share, the ESPN-affiliated station was sent out to pasture last Wednesday. It stunted with oldies for several days, but on Friday, 105.1 WMGC became the new 105.1 The Bounce, the Motor City's entry into the world of the vastly-growing hip-hop and R&B throwback format.

Artists on The Bounce include Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, LL Cool J, Ludacris, Dr. Dre and yes, Eminem.

Even though hip-hop was popularized in the 1980s, the station hasn't played anything from that era, possibly to attract a 25-54 audience. But still, as somebody who listened to rap music in the 1990s, I commend this station for playing tunes I haven't heard in a while.

This is the fifth new format in the 20 years Greater Media has owned 105.1. While I loved The Edge and The Groove was OK, I wasn't a fan of Magic 105.1 and could have cared less about Detroit Sports 105.1. Then again, the only good thing about DS105.1 was that they were able to snatch the Pistons from ratings leader 97.1 The Ticket. Otherwise, that's pretty much it. DS105.1 suffered from the fact that their contract with ESPN forced them to carry their shows such as Mike and Mike that don't talk much about Detroit and its four sports teams. While 97.1 talks Detroit sports almost 24-7, DS105.1 thought that having some dude from Connecticut blab about LeBron would be the ultimate answer. Instead, it turned into a ratings embarrassment.

Another real loser from the DS105.1 quagmire was Drew Lane, who moved from being the long-time morning man of WRIF with Mike Clark to 105.1. But, he didn't take his fans along for the ride. He eventually left the station and rejoined Clark for a podcast.

Sadly, DS105.1 was a station that died from the get-go, like Fridays was to Saturday Night Live or New Coke or even (and I'm praying it will happen) Playboy without the nudity. The only good thing about the station was that they never carried that disgusting, fat blob "Huge" Bill Simonson from here in Grand Rapids. Speaking of which, maybe Sean Baligan will end up on ESPN 96.1 again to kick that fat asshole to the curb in the ratings again.

As for the hip-hop throwback format, I think it will do extremely well. My prediction is that it will debut strong but will eventually lose some steam. From there, the ratings will remain strong.

Now, to convince iHeart, Cumulus or Townsqaure that something like this will work in Grand Rapids. A bunch of low-powered urban ACs on FM aren't enough.

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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!