Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7.27.16 Bee-otches of the Day: the media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: the media
Age: ageless
Occupation: the supposed informers of the world
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: lying once again

Yesterday, history was made.


It's official: Hillary Clinton was chosen as the first nominee in presidential history. Even Bernie Sanders stood up to break party rules to nominate Clinton in what many feel was a momentous occasion in our nation's history.

But *insert needle scratching across a record here*, SURPRISE! Hillary's NOT the first-ever presidential nominee.

OK, so she's the first nominee IN A MAJOR PARTY, but what about Jill Stein, currently running for the Green Party? Roseanne Barr ran with the Peace and Freedom Party in 2012. The first woman to get on the presidential ballot was comedienne Gracie Allen in 1940 with the "Surprise Party" (of course, she lost in a landslide against the extremely popular Franklin D. Roosevelt; she only got 42,000 votes).

As a matter of fact, THIRTY-EIGHT women have all been nominated for president in our nation's history. True, all except Clinton are third party candidates. Some of the parties are quite liberal, like the Peace and Freedom Party, while others are far to the right like the Right to Life Party.

True, I think it would be kinda cool to see a third party overtake the White House, but when was the last time that ever happened? The media would rather see Trump and Clinton kill each other because it's all about ratings.

For them to say that Hillary Clinton is the first female presidential nominee in history is a total lie, and they need to get their facts straight. I should be happy for her, but as a Bernie supporter, her victory is bittersweet.

But as long as Donald Drumpf doesn't become president, I'll be happy.
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