Monday, March 18, 2013

3.18.13 Bee-otch of the Day: Sarah Palin

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Sarah Palin
Age: 49
Occupation: media whore
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: still being around

Last weekend, the Conservative Political Action Conference was in full swing, and it resembled more like the Brooklyn Shake than anything else.

Of course, the main function for the CPAC is to try to sort out who could be the most-viable candidate for 2016, and Paul Ryan seemed to be the big winner. However, dear 'ol Sarah Palin had to arrive to tell the world that she could be Obama's best replacement for the White House in the next three years.

During her speech, the ex-Alaskan governor and hockey mom blasted President Obama on many occasions. When talking about gun rights, she talked about background checks, and mentioned that Obama should talk about his, referring to that sad conservative lie that he was born in Kenya, although there's way too much evidence that he was indeed born in Hawaii. Palin also sipped from a 7-Eleven Big Gulp, referencing to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ban on huge, extra-large-sized portions of soda pop sold in the Big Apple.

Yep, there goes Sarah, who wasn't governor of Alaska for a long time and bombed at, well, everything else she's ever done in her miserable, pathetic life. I'll betcha that she wants to be president in 2016, but not with her record!

IMHO, the only Republican who could take the presidency easily is Chris Christie because he has proven to be a leader who listens to all sides, not his own. Of course, that's if he can make it to 2016 given his girth. Because most Repukes are anti-American making less than a million dollars per year, I think the party's toast.

And Sarah ain't helpin'. 

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