Thursday, October 9, 2014

10.9.14 Bee-otches of the Day: Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Names: Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land
Age: 56
Occupation: governor, slumlord
Last Seen: Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids
Bee-otched For: politics as usual

So far, it's good news and bad news on Michigan's political front.

First, the bad news: in the gubernatorial race, Rick Snyder is still leading Mark Schauer in the polls, although other polls claim it's neck-and-neck. Even worse, Snyder's current set of ads have a retired schoolteacher talk about Snyder actually funding schools and not cutting a billion dollars like he really did. Problem is, the teacher in Snyder's ads, Linda Thaler isn't just a friend of the governor, but is also his neighbor. Another ad, this time from the Democratic Governors Association have a whole group of teachers proclaiming that Snyder caused their schools to lay off teachers, thus creating bigger class sizes.

Why people would want to vote for Snyder again is beyond me. I've talked to a TON of people my age (33) and younger and they are being forced to live with roommates or even their parents. Why? Because Michigan has failed them with a lack of good, high-paying jobs. With Snyder busting unions and making Michigan Right-to-Work, prepare for even more bad to come, especially if The Stuffed Turd is re-elected.

But, hey! There is some good news, after all.

Recently, the GOP announced that it is now canceling a $1 million ad campaign to promote Terri Lynn Land as senator. The reason is due to Land's mediocre poll numbers against Gary Peters. Now, the GOP will focus on the six seats it could easily win in toss-up states.

Terri Lynn Land is nothing more than a Sarah Palin wannabe with crooked teeth. Her record on on the environment is pitiful and the fact that her way of creating jobs is to drill holes in the ground is nothing more than an excuse to make money only for herself and her rich buddies. I'm glad that there's no chance in hell that she'll win, but I'm worried about Snyder. I hope that people will see the light that all he's done since becoming governor is making the middle class more miserable. I don't want to hear that it's Granholm's fault, even though it was Bush's policies that screwed Michigan, not hers.

It's time for change. Time to create real jobs and preserve the environment, not to make only $8 per hour and eat ramen everyday.


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