Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5.11.16 Bee-otches of the Day: the Koch Brothers

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Names: Charles and David Koch
Ages: 81, 76
Occupations: polluters
Last Seen: Kansas
Bee-otched For: making sure that the media doesn't bitch about global warming


This has been a sad week for the Canadians.

Right now, a massive firestorm is racing though the country, destroying the town of Fort McMurray and its surroundings. The fire is feeding on dry trees, which light up like a match when lit. Thousands have lost their homes and one person even released footage of his home burning down. Some 80,000 residents are now homeless.

Personally, I've never heard of a Canadian wildfire, especially one this big. But let's face it, it's caused by global warming.

Sadly, it's a reality that Mother Earth is sick. It's supposed to be that we have cold winters and hot summers. A few weeks ago, my trip to Phoenix was delayed by one day because my layover was in Denver, which had gotten a foot of snow.... IN MID-APRIL. A week later, the Mile High City was in the 70s and all the snow had melted.

Rarely if ever, the news ever talks about global warming and its dangers. Why? True, they'll talk about tornadoes and wildfires and such, but why it's happening is now a taboo issue. The reason? Just watch the commercials.

There's the Quilted Northern ads with the toys in the bathroom. There's some skank dressed like a fairy hawking Sparkle paper towels. Oh, and there's those stupid ads talking about the importance of fracking for shale.

Yep! It's all brought to you by the ultra-wealthy Koch brothers, who make sure that regular people like you and me suffer through weather catastrophes so they could pocket their billions.

You know, I remember doing research on Centrailia, PA last week. That town is famous for the fact that over 50 years ago, it was a mining town. However, the fire department set the town dump ablaze and the flames hit a vent to the mine. Over the years, the fire spread and the ground got so hot, that a gas station couldn't operate in the borough. Fumes exited the ground and people got sick. Guess what happened? The government stepped in and forced everybody out of town. Today, Centrailia is a ghost town with only 10 residents, down from 1,000 half a century ago. As for the mine fire, it's still going on.

The irony of all this: Centralia is near a town called "Frackville". Go figure. Plus, there's several wind turbines outside of town.

This is why I'm kinda proud that I almost never get advertisers knocking on my door: I want as much freedom as possible. I probably talk about global warming than the media does. Folks, don't buy anything from Koch Industries! This means Georgia-Pacific, Bounty, Sparkle, Viva, Stainmaster Carpets, Brawn, Quilted Northern and others. The Kochs think that the environment is theirs. Nope, it's ours.

Oh, and fracking causes earthquakes. I hope it never happens here, especially the travesty going on in Flint. 


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