Thursday, May 5, 2016

5.5.16 Bee-otch of the Day: The Republican Party

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Name: The Republican Party
Age: 162
Occupation: right-winged morons
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: emptying out the clown car but leaving the village idiot inside

It seemed that not long ago, the Republican Party was loaded with everybody and their Dutch uncle running for the white house.

All the sudden, names like Rubio, Carson and Fiorina became words heavily spoken during the 6:30 network newscasts. There were so many people running for president that debates ended up being split into two, with the leading debaters taking prime time while those struggling to survive ended up in the debate some dubbed the Junior Varsity. Well, eventually, the clown car started to empty and the man with the most money, Donald Trump ended up riding alone.

After their lackluster results in the Indiana primaries, both Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced the end of their campaigns for president. Of course, with Donald running alone, some are very pissed that a man who vows to build a wall blocking out Mexicans and acting so unpresidential is now the dead ringer for the Republican ticket in the November election. Some are even burning their membership cards to the Republican Party.

There's even a longtime Republican I know who's angry about Trump, and it's my own mother. She claims that if he's elected president, he'll have us all killed. She's so pissed that she might even vote for Hillary if she gets the Dems' ticket.

But thankfully, the war between Hillary and Bernie Sanders ain't even over yet, even though I wish it was Bernie way out on top.

With only Trump left as the Republican frontrunner, the question is, will Trump's haters cross over to the other side and vote for either Hillary or Bernie? My sole fear is that Hillary might get a slight bump because she is center-right on some topics, but otherwise, who knows?

And the plot thickens.... 


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