Monday, August 1, 2016

8.1.16 Bee-otch of the Day: some thug who harassed me

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: unknown
Age: probably mid-20s to 30
Occupation: unknown
Last Seen: who knows
Bee-otched For: trying to make my neighborhood a not-so-safe place

It's always awesome when you have a day off work, but it gets more depressing when you get a knock on the door at 2 a.m.

Anticipating my trip to the Traverse City Film Festival last week, I was able to get last Friday off. Because of this, I decided to stay up a little later at night, especially after I took a two-hour nap in the evening.

It was 2 a.m. Friday morning. Hillary Clinton had just accepted the nomination for the Democratic ticket and I was watching all the late night shows, which were all delayed because of this fact. I heard a knock on the door. So, I jumped up, looked into the peephole and asked myself if I should open the door. Sometimes, I wish I didn't.

I opened the door and there was this dark-skinned probably Latino man looking like James Brown's mugshot photo above wearing a tank top drenched in blood. "Hey man," said the man, "I was just jumped by some guys and I'm just wondering if I could use your phone and clean up."  I replied, "hey, let me call the cops." Then, he said, "hey, don't call the cops. I'm on probation and I can't afford to get into any more trouble, man." I didn't want him in my apartment since he would stain up the joint, plus since my phone is $650, I sure as hell didn't want him touching that, either. I told him "sorry, but I can't help you," and shut the door.

A minute later, I decided to call maintenance and told them about what had just happened. He told me to call the cops anyway. A few minutes later, they were there. Unfortunately, I didn't know the outcome of the situation, except that they were in the area for a while.

OK, so you're on probation, you've been jumped by some hoodlums and you don't want the police to be involved? Sorry, but guess what? I DON'T WANT MY ASS KICKED, TOO! If a crime is committed, it needs to be reported right away. I don't care what skin type you are, but when  you come to me asking you to help protect you from your asskickers and the Po-Po, I ain't helping you. Don't expect me to wipe your sorry ass.

If I had money, I could actually get a house so far away so I don't have to deal with assholes.

Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on!

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

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