Thursday, March 19, 2015

3.19.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Aaron Schock

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Aaron Schock
Age: 33
Occupation: former congressman (R-IL)
Last Seen: Illinois
Bee-otched For: proving how big assholes Repukes are 


In the world of politics, age might not be just a number, but rather in some cases, I.Q.

Take Aaron Schock, for example. He was a rising star in the world of politics at the tender age of 33 (and even more, he's two days younger than I am!). He was elected to Congress at 28 and was the third-youngest congressman. Now, he is resigning, partly due to his love of a dorky British TV series.

Schock announced Tuesday that he's stepping down because he used federal funds to decorate his office in the style of the sets used on Downton Abbey, his favorite show. He also used funds for private flights, tickets to the Super Bowl and even treating his staff to a meet and greet at a Katy Perry concert. All this, my friend came from you, John Q. Taxpayer. Even the conservative news mag National Review called Schock a crook.

This coming from an asshole who voted against Obamacare and voted to repeal it, too.

You know, people, you get what you vote for if you vote Republican. Schock is supposed to be a man of family values but ended up ripping off taxpayers to support his lavish lifestyle. He's basically a white Kwame Kilpatrick. I'm glad he's going away and maybe the people of Illinois will think next time.

Besides, what man even WATCHES Downton Abbey in the first place?


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